Sunday, December 13, 2009

How do I get rid of my acne?

I really haven't ever had any problems with pimples but here lately I have had a problem with it and don't know why because nothings changed to make them this bad.How do I get rid of my acne?
1. Buy Proactive

2. Clean your face every morning and night with cleansing wipes

3. Use facewash in the showerHow do I get rid of my acne?
Recently I have had the same problem, it is a mix of stress, change in weather, and the cold and flu season. I didn't even realize I was stressed until I sat down and listed all of the things I have to get done, and in what a short period of time in which I have to do them. The change in weather has played tricks with my skin, because it has to adjust to the temperature, and has problems with such rapid and drastic changes (weather here has been crazy, one day it's 75 degrees f and sunny, and the next day it is below freezing, and raining). The cold and flu season can play a part in it too, because you can pick up germs on your hands and anything else that touches your face, and the germs can get into your pores, and get infected. Try deep breathing, and relaxation, I know it sounds lame and like it won't help, and I thought the same thing, but it does help A LOT! Next, try to regulate your skin temperature, using scarfs, high collars, hats, etc. Keep your hands, and anything else that touches your face clean. Use facial cleanser, without acne medication in it, just regular face cleanser, and moisturize with aloe, and aloe based moisturizers.

Good Luck!
Grind nutmeg (jaiphal) with unboiled milk and apply on acne for 1-2 hours. This works as a magic. Pimples should disappear without leaving a mark. Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
check out this cleansing routine. It really helped me reduce my acne and mine was pretty bad. Anyways link in source, hope this helps.
Wash your face twice a day and use toner. Also use lotion. Eat less fried food and exercise more. And don't touch your face a lot. Also, change your pillow case once a week or so.
you wash with like clean and clear then moisturize befor and after you go to bed

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