Sunday, December 13, 2009

Will starting birth control stop my horrible acne during period?

Recently I have been getting horrible acne around the time of my period. I never used to before but in the last few months it has started. Will starting on birth control keep my skin pimple free?Will starting birth control stop my horrible acne during period?
It should help. Birth control regulates your hormones, which are a big contributing factor in acne. Especially in your cause, since you get it moreso while you're on your period. I would say birth control would be very helpful. Also it makes periods shorter and lighter. No downfall :] if you want to go on birth control, i would reccommend the nuva ring. Talk to your doctor though to decide what is right for you. Will starting birth control stop my horrible acne during period?
It might -- it helped me. I tried all the creams etc and nothing worked, because my acne was hormone related. The birth control pills really helped. I'm on Loestrin 24, but that sometimes makes acne worse -- it totally cleared mine up in about 3 to 4 months. You'll have to talk w/ your doctor -- if you get a pill that's not clearing it up or making it worse, don't give up. Just try another pill -- but first -- I would try Proactive or one of the creams out there -- birth controls are serious medication -- so don't go to them as a first resort, but if the creams etc haven't worked, then birth control might be the answer for you! Hope everything works out for you :-)
It should. You can tell your doctor that you want to try the birth control pill for acne. I just did a few weeks ago and I havent gotten any new acne since the last week (she said you will start noticing the difference after the first month) I have the same problem haha.

Also not being stressed out a lot helps and unfortunately ive been pretty stressed.

Goodluck though!

PS: You might have to try different brands to see which one will work the best.
This is a question you should ask your DR. I have heard that some BC does help with that but in all honesty the best answers will come from your DR..If you are underage you should speak to your parent /guardian befor making a decision like that.. Medical info can be scarry sometimes and a professional answer is the one you should trust. Good Luck!
Unfortunately, there's a possibility that the birth control can actually cause acne.

Everybody reacts differently.

You may want to see a dermatologist who can help you with your acne problems.

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