Friday, December 11, 2009

How do I get rid of my current blackheads that are on my face? Also,what should I do to keep my face acne-free

I've just had these blackheads for quite a while, and I would just like to get rid of them now. Also, I wash my face a lot, but i get oily like every 2 hours, so yeah, some advice would help and go along way. =]How do I get rid of my current blackheads that are on my face? Also,what should I do to keep my face acne-free
i use velocity face wash and moisturizer it works great, i would suggest getting a facial at a spa they work wonders i had acne all over my for head a year ago and now its all gone b/c i had 2 facials. and also i use biore nose peels.How do I get rid of my current blackheads that are on my face? Also,what should I do to keep my face acne-free
I have them too, and it is just hard to take care of them. But don't squeze them!!! I use a washcloth with either soap or cleaner to wash it off, but it is hard!
it sounds weired but i do it myself... wash your face like you normally do then rub toothpaste all over your face. let it set in to where you feel it burn a lil... its weird i know but when you rinse off your face itll be smooth and clear cus the stuff in the toothpaste will open/clear your pores! its weird but dont knock it till you try it...
I use an extractor, warming blackhead exfoliating cleanser and Clean %26amp; Clear Advantage acne spot treatment and oil-free acne moisturizer which works pretty well.
I suggest using a salicylic acid facial wash that is oil free. Then use a moisturizer that is oil free as well. You might be getting more oil because there isn't any moisturizer on your face so it produces oil to hydrate the face. I recommend using the product by neutrogena oil stress free line and then using one of their moisturizer that does not have oil. If your skin is able to handle benzyol peroxide then use the clearasil treatment as well.
Try this simple remedy. Wash your face twice a day in warm salty water. This should leave your face oil free without aggravating the acne like soap. The secret of keeping the skin clear is to keep it oil-free and clean. Check out for more useful info.Check out for more useful tips to control blackheads.

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