Thursday, June 24, 2010

Could the acne on my back be caused by my night sweats?

I've never had acne on my back before and lately I've been having night sweats as well as acne on my back, back of my neck and behind the ears, could this be caused by my night sweats? Or could it be an allegric reaction to a body wash I'm using?Could the acne on my back be caused by my night sweats?
Night sweats can sometimes be a sign of serious illness such as TB or other infection or inflammation. Sometimes they are from a hormonal problem such as with menopause or hypothalmus (a gland in your brain) problems. Sometimes it can be idiopathic (cause unexplained / unknown). You should see a doctor.

Some serious illness manifest with skin lesions, including lymphoma or leukemia or lupus. It could be acne but could also be something else. If the acne became infected, it could cause itching and pain. You really need to see a doctor. Also, change your sheets each night if you are sweating and be careful of any irritating laundry detergents. It's best to have a doctor look at it, or if you are in school, ask a nurse to take a look and see.

Sometimes, acne lumps (cystic acne) can become quite painful. You may need to go on accutane if it is acne and is becoming a serious painful issue, but nowadays, there are other medications that have recently come out for acne. You are right that sweating can aggravate acne problems, as the bacteria proliferate better and there is more chance of inflammation and irritation. See a doctor. If you dont' have medical insurance, usually most towns have clinics where you can see a doctor on a sliding scale or free if you are poor. Call your social services dept. or health department.

Again, it may not be acne, so it's best to see a doctor and also about your night sweats, which is not a normal thing usually. How often do you get them?Could the acne on my back be caused by my night sweats?
Absolutely it could. Sweat causes acne, especially when it has no place to escape. If you have night sweats and it just sits against your skin all night, this will cause acne. You can help this by showering right when you wake up, and using tea tree oil on your skin before your go to bed.
Could be the sweat on your sheets. Try changing them more often.

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