Saturday, June 26, 2010

What is the best way to clear up acne using at home remedies?

Put warm to hot rags on your face to open up your pores. Then apply lemon juice to your face. After you leave it on there for a few minutes make sure you rinse it off. Its gonna tingle and feel like its burning, but it works. My brother had really bad acne and he did this and it cleared up his acne in no time at all. Good luckWhat is the best way to clear up acne using at home remedies?
I have a list of good and fresh websites on Acne treatment.

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Best wishesWhat is the best way to clear up acne using at home remedies?
use baking soda when you wash your face.
1. You know those annoying oil spots you get under your skin? They're hard bumps that just *won't* pop. Moisten some salt and dab it on the spot. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then try to pop it *with clean hands* and no fingernails. To reduce swelling, put crushed Aspirin over the area. Chances are, the spot will continue to leak blood and oil even after most of the nasty stuff is out. So dab vinegar or more salt over the area. This will dry out the spot better than toothpaste.

2. Cut your fingernails as short as possible. That way, if you do end up popping them, you won't cut your skin--which leaves nasty scars--and it won't spread germs from under your fingernails (which slows healing). I was proud of my long nails, but they were damaging my face...and it wasn't worth it.

3. To bleach scars, cut a lemon in half and slide it around your face. This is likely to sting, but if you do it regularly, it should help.

4. Crushed up Aspirin (and I hear Visene eye drops) can reduce redness and swelling.
put toothpaste not the gel kind on the pimple overnight it will dry it up
If you have some, use isopropyl alcohol on a Q-tip, and dab it on. Do that two or three times in an hour on the same spot. Watch the acne disappear!
If you live in the country and use well water.try using baby bottle water to wash your face the chemicales in it help with the acne.
Wash your face every day!!

Don't touch your face during the day since your hands are probably sweaty etc. and you don't want that in your face.

At night, apply some toothpaste directly on the pimple.

I hope i could help..
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Acne-pimple cure/

Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/face packs鈥?/a>
whenever i have a pimple.. ( or more then one ) i take a q-tip and put some hand sanitizer on it ! and dab it on my pimple... that usualy works 4 me.. but if its all over ur face u can try using a slat scrub .mix salt with a lil water not enough to make it desolve tho and use that the christals will scrub the dead skin away wile it soaks into ur skin and kills the bactirea that couse zits ..
put toothpaste on it before u go to bed it dries out the oils

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